
Personality changes can affect fish body shape, locomotion

Fish that are bred to be bolder or more shy show corresponding changes to their body shape and locomotion, suggesting that personality changes affect other seemingly unrelated traits. The findings could be useful in animal ...

Scientists discover that coral can record history

A Canadian study has discovered that coral is able to effectively record events in human history due to its ability to absorb the toxic metals released into the environment as a result of naval battles fought in their vicinity.

Using lasers to make data storage faster than ever

As we use more and more data every year, where will we have room to store it all? Our rapidly increasing demand for web apps, file sharing and social networking, among other services, relies on information storage in the ...

Accurately assessing global river-floodplain forest strategies

A Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) grant enabled a young European researcher to develop a global perspective on river-floodplain forest restoration strategies and to put forward universal criteria to accurately ...

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