
The secret to DNA packing to one-millionth its size

Threads or earphone cables placed in tight spaces get easily tangled. On the contrary, our body's long and loose DNA packs into rod-shaped chromosomes one-millionth its size when the cell divides. If cell division occurs ...

How explosion in ocean life built the first mountains

An unprecedented abundance of oceanic life played a crucial role in the creation of Earth's mountains, a landmark study led by scientists at the University of Aberdeen has revealed.

Nondestructive testing of optical fiber diameters

The increased use of optical fiber has seen a greater focus on the precise control and measurement of its diameter. That is due to the diameter being vital for a wide range of fields, from high-speed optical communication ...

Guiding Tianwen-1 to China's first successful Mars rover landing

Mars landing missions only succeed about half the time, a rate largely determined by the entry, descent and landing (EDL) phase, according to the researchers who designed Tianwen-1's control systems.  They published their ...

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