
When all life counts in conservation

Species counts drive conservation science and policy, and provides the basis for major public announcements on the state of the Earth. Yet a major component of biodiversity is excluded from conservation data: nonnative species. ...

New research suggests pensions advice websites create bias

An advice website setup by the Government in the wake of pensions reforms could be exacerbating people's unconscious bias and influencing their financial decisions, according to experts at the University of Stirling.

An easier life for the giant squid

A cold-blood marine animal, such as the giant squid, Architeuthis, might be one of the few beneficiaries of global warming. Given that its axonic activity is limited by the environmental temperature at which it finds itself, ...

Satellites track status of nation's food supply

Farmers across the Midwest are in a race to finish harvesting their corn, soybean, and other staples of the Thanksgiving dinner table before the first crop killing freeze sets in. September rains made a late harvest even ...

Mapping our galaxy's magnetic field

Astronomers from CSIRO and Curtin University have used pulsars to probe the Milky Way's magnetic field. Working with colleagues in Europe, Canada, and South Africa, they have published the most precise catalogue of measurements ...

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