
Researchers identify buckybowl structure

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology have identified the adlayer structure of the sumanene buckybowl on Au(111) and revealed its unique bowl inversion behavior.

Prevention of RNA virus replication

Researchers at Okayama University have successfully cleaved influenza viral RNA to prevent its replication using novel artificial RNA restriction enzymes in laboratory cell cultures. While further improvements are needed, ...

Research finds common grass could help boost food security

Australian researchers have discovered that the common Panic grasses could hold the secret to increasing the yields of cereal crops and help feed the world with increasing temperature extremes and a population of nearly 10 ...

Team paves the way for the redefinition of the ampere

By 2018, scientists want all physical base units to be based on solid, unchangeable fundamental constants. The units "meter" and "second" are well ahead of schedule; the kelvin, the kilogram, the mole and the ampere are next ...

Scientists discover a key signal in intercellular communication

A team of scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), led by Prof. Francisco Sánchez-Madrid, has characterized a cell signal that impedes intercellular communication and could ...

Clarifying plasma oscillation by high-energy particles

The National Institute for Fusion Science has developed new code that can simulate the movement of plasma and, simultaneously, the movement of particles circulating at high speeds. In the Japanese fusion reactor called the ...

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