
Providing a solution to the worst-ever prediction in physics

The cosmological constant, introduced a century ago by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity, is a thorn in the side of physicists. The difference between the theoretical prediction of this parameter and its ...

Melting glaciers, as well as ice sheets, raising Earth's seas

As the planet's polar ice sheets destabilise amid rising temperatures, a landmark UN assessment of Earth's retreating frozen spaces is also set to spell out how melting mountain glaciers will impact humanity in the decades ...

Freshening up contaminated water

Nitrate is a troublesome groundwater contaminant that is mainly caused by fertilizer runoff on farmlands. Many wells in agricultural regions exceed the EPA limit for nitrate in drinking water, and without an economical treatment ...

Massive modern catacombs set to open in Jerusalem

Workers are completing three years of labor on a massive subterranean necropolis under a mountain just outside Jerusalem. It's comprised of one mile, or about 1.5 kilometers, of tunnels with sepulchers for interring the dead.

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