
James Webb Space Telescope assembled for the first time

To combine both halves of Webb, engineers carefully lifted the Webb telescope (which includes the mirrors and science instruments) above the already-combined sunshield and spacecraft using a crane. Team members slowly guided ...

How elephant declines are affecting African forests

John Poulsen, assistant professor of tropical ecology at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment, has received an $848,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study the effects of declining elephant ...

NASA's Mars helicopter attached to Mars 2020 rover

Engineers attached NASA's Mars Helicopter, which will be the first aircraft to fly on another planet, to the belly of the Mars 2020 rover today in the High Bay 1 clean room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

A unique conducting state under UV-irradiation

A highly conducting state has been found in a molecular crystal under UV-irradiation. The state reversibly appears in accordance with UV-irradiation, but does not appear by any other method such as raising the temperature, ...

UN report on oceans, frozen zones: the facts

Humanity should brace itself for some serious blowback over this century and beyond from the oceans and Earth's frozen zones, known as the cryosphere, according to the draft of a major UN report obtained by AFP.

Closing the gap: A two-tier mechanism for epithelial barrier

Scientists from Japan's National Institute for Physiological Sciences and their collaborators report in a new study published in the Journal of Cell Biology that the epithelial barrier is composed of two molecular systems ...

Analyzing the world's oldest woody plant fossil

Mapping the evolution of life on Earth requires a detailed understanding of the fossil record, and scientists are using synchrotron-based technologies to look back—way, way back—at the cell structure and chemistry of ...

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