
The art of worming through tight spaces

How active matter, such as assemblages of bacterial or epithelial cells, manages to expand into narrow spaces largely depends on their growth dynamics, as LMU physicists demonstrate in a newly published study.

The Australian winter was dry, the spring will likely be dry

Winter still has a few days to run, but it's highly likely to be one of Australia's warmest and driest on record. While final numbers will be crunched once August ends, this winter will probably rank among the top ten warmest ...

Boys dance too—and in Japan they are celebrated

The western world's dance community rallied over the weekend, taking Good Morning America host Lara Spencer to task for her mockery of Prince George and his love of ballet. Under the hashtag #boysdancetoo, representatives ...

Archaeologist unearths history in Mississippi River Valley

In the farmlands of the Mississippi River Valley, earth is continuously cleared and leveled—a result of the region's booming agriculture industry. But beneath the soil lies an important piece of American history, one a ...

NASA invites students to name Mars 2020 rover

Red rover, red rover, send a name for Mars 2020 right over! NASA is recruiting help from students nationwide to find a name for its next Mars rover mission.

Air India to stop using single-use plastic on flights

Debt-ridden Air India said Thursday it will stop using single-use plastic and replace packaging with eco-friendly paper and wooden cutlery, as the government ramps up its "clean India" mission.

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