
When tree planting actually damages ecosystems

Tree planting has been widely promoted as a solution to climate change, because plants absorb the climate-warming gases from Earth's atmosphere as they grow. World leaders have already committed to restoring 350m hectares ...

Light may magnetise non-magnetic metals, propose physicists

Physicists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, have devised a method to turn a non-magnetic metal into a magnet using laser light.

Single-electrode material streamlines functions into a tiny chip

The ability to combine many functions into a single microchip is a significant advance in the quest to perfect the tiny, self-powered sensors that will expand the Internet of things. KAUST researchers have managed to combine ...

Digitizing and replicating the world of materials

Is it possible to digitally replicate the way light shines off silk, the kaleidoscope of colors on butterfly wings, or the structure of fabrics, plastics, and stones? A team of researchers at EPFL's Realistic Graphics Lab, ...

Just how resilient are biofilms?

Biofilms hold promise for generating electricity and removing contamination from groundwater, but they also threaten many industrial processes and human health. As the environment changes in which these biofilms thrive, it ...

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