
Scientists film rotating carbonyl sulphide molecules

Scientists have used precisely tuned pulses of laser light to film the ultrafast rotation of a molecule. The resulting "molecular movie" tracks one and a half revolutions of carbonyl sulphide (OCS)—a rod-shaped molecule ...

NASA's Mars 2020 rover does biceps curls

The robotic arm on NASA's Mars 2020 rover does not have deltoids, triceps or biceps, but it can still curl heavy weights with the best. In this time-lapse video, taken July 19, 2019, in the clean room of the Spacecraft Assembly ...

Radio galaxy 3C 236 investigated with LOFAR

Using the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) astronomers took a closer look at the giant radio galaxy 3C 236. The observations, detailed in a paper published July 22 on the arXiv pre-print repository, shed more light on the morphology ...

It pays to explore in times of uncertainty

When making choices, people tend either to go with what they know or try something new. We experience this trade-off every day, whether choosing a route to work or buying breakfast cereal. But does one strategy have an advantage ...

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