
Origin of life: The importance of interfaces

Tiny gas-filled bubbles in the porous rock found around hot springs are thought to have played an important role in the origin of life. Temperature differences at the interface between liquid phases could therefore have initiated ...

Study considers sensory impacts of global climate change

Studies of how global change is impacting marine organisms have long focused on physiological effects—for example an oyster's decreased ability to build or maintain a strong shell in an ocean that is becoming more acidic ...

Study shows that the Moon is older than previously believed

A new study spearheaded by Earth scientists at the University of Cologne's Institute of Geology and Mineralogy has constrained the age of the Moon to approximately 50 million years after the formation of the solar system. ...

SLAP microscope smashes speed records

A new microscope breaks a long-standing speed limit, recording footage of brain activity 15 times faster than scientists once believed possible. It gathers data quickly enough to record neurons' voltage spikes and release ...

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