
India sends notice to Facebook over alleged data breach

India's government has sent a notice to Facebook asking whether the personal data of Indian voters and users has been compromised by U.K.-based Cambridge Analytica or any other downstream entity.

China's defunct space lab hurtling toward Earth for re-entry

China's defunct and reportedly out-of-control Tiangong 1 space station is expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere sometime this weekend. It poses only a slight risk to people and property on the ground, since most of the ...

Low pressure reduces bubble trouble

Spray coating and inkjet-based electronics manufacture are among the industrial applications in which liquid droplets are applied to a surface. But minuscule air bubbles that get trapped beneath the droplet as it lands can ...

Making rusty polymers for energy storage

It's called a nanoflower, but if you could brush your cheek against its microscopic petals, you would find them cool, hard and … rusty.

What protein is that?

Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) makes it possible to see the spatial distribution of molecules in a thin tissue section based on their molecular masses. It is a powerful tool for biomarker discovery, but identifying proteins ...

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