
Watching Catalytic Reactions from Within

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers from Utrecht University, in The Netherlands, have demonstrated a new way to get a real-time, microscopic view of the inner workings of catalytic reactions.

New Single-Element Compound Discovered

(PhysOrg.com) -- Florida International University researchers have discovered a new single-element compound, a breakthrough that could rewrite chemistry books.

Novel Technology Could Produce Biofuel for Around $0.65 a Liter

(PhysOrg.com) -- A novel technology for synthesising chemicals from plant material could produce liquid fuel for just over €0.50 ($0.65) a liter, say German scientists. But only if the infrastructure is set up in the right ...

Report: Use 'brownfields' as energy parks

Northwest Michigan could generate hundreds of new jobs and generate enough electricity for thousands of its residents by converting abandoned factories and other brownfield sites for renewable energy production.

Riding -- and reading -- the Earth tide

(PhysOrg.com) -- Once a day, Miaki Ishii rides the Earth tide, rising slowly — along with her desk, chair, and entire office — 20 to 30 centimeters before sinking back again.

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