
Cool-season vegetable rotation effective, sustainable practice

Issues with weeds, insects, and disease make certified organic production of vegetables challenging in the southeastern United States. Maintaining and building soil organic carbon in midscale organic production systems can ...

Video: This is your brain on alcohol

It's almost time to ring in 2017. And since most New Year's celebrations include alcohol, Reactions' latest episode explains the chemistry behind its effects - drunkenness, frequent bathroom breaks and occasionally poor decision-making.

How safe is seafood?

Seafood is the main component of European Christmas menus. But with rising concern about chemical pollution in the marine environment, is seafood safe to eat?

Speech signal processing—enhancing voice conversion models

Altering a person's voice so that it sounds like another person is a useful technique for use in security and privacy, for example. This computational technique, known as voice conversion (VC), usually requires parallel data ...

Improvements to a decision-making algorithm

In fields such as engineering, economics or finance, highly complex decisions must be made, often incorporating multiple, at times contradictory, objectives. Highly specialised computer algorithms can help find the best possible ...

Coding theorem defines decoding error capacity for general scenarios

The rate at which information can be coded so that it can be decoded within a particular error probability constraint is one of the "major research topics in information theory" as Hideki Yagi at the University of Electro-Communications, ...

Network traffic anomaly detection

"Diagnosing unusual events (called "anomalies") in a large-scale network like Internet Service Providers and enterprise networks is critical and challenging for both network operators and end users," explain Hiroyuki Kasai ...

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