
Upper Mississippi River commercial fishery is sustainable

Commercial fishing along the Upper Mississippi River has been sustainable over the past 60 years and hasn't negatively influenced fish populations or recreational fisheries, according to a University of Idaho-led study published ...

Rethinking Australia's climate history

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have found evidence of climate change that coincided with the first wave of European settlement of Australia, which effectively delivered a double-punch of drying and land clearance ...

How water fleas detect predators

Water fleas of the genus daphnia detect via chemical substances if their predators, namely Chaoborus larvae, are hunting in their vicinity. If so, they generate defences that make them more difficult to consume. The signalling ...

The Cygnus Loop

The Cygnus Loop (also known as the Veil Nebula) is a supernova remnant, the detritus of the explosive death of a massive star about ten to twenty thousand years ago. Detailed modeling of its spectacular filamentary shape ...

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