
Sunlight can be used to eradicate pollutants in water

Complex filters and laser systems are not necessary to destroy persistent pollutants in water. Chemists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have developed a new process that works using just sunlight. The process ...

New technique proposed to make objects invisible

In recent years, invisibility has become an area of increasing research interest due to advances in materials engineering. This research work by the UEx, which has been published in Scientific Reports, explored the electromagnetic ...

Rare-earth elements in mining industry's waste piles

If rare-earth metals can be extracted from previously quarried ore, the environmental hazards of new mines and mining waste can be mitigated. In his doctoral research, Wenzhong Zhang from the Department of Chemistry at the ...

Intense fires threaten conservation-significant trapdoor spider

A new Curtin University study has found trapdoor spiders do not survive intense bushfires but have high survival rates in low-intensity fires, in a finding that may have important implications for conservation management ...

Scientists discover how mechanical strain shapes plants

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Carnegie Mellon University in the U.S. have discovered how mechanical forces can influence the shapes of plant leaves and flower petals.

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