
How tracking birds can help them, and us

Scientists track birds with electronic tags and radar to solve flight mysteries. In answering ecological questions, the research findings may also improve infrastructure planning

Coral reefs can adapt in response to mild marine heatwaves

A team of scientists from James Cook University (JCU) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) have found that some coral species can adapt to increasing temperatures that cause bleaching, but only when marine ...

Fruit flies move their retinas much like humans move their eyes

Pick an object in front of you—a teacup, for example—and fix your gaze on it. You may think that you're keeping your eyes still, but you're not: Your eyes are frequently moving unbeknownst to you, making tiny involuntary ...

3D nanocomposites boost heat dissipation in electronics

Scientists from Skoltech developed a self-assembled 3D nanocomposite with outstanding in-plane and out-of-plane heat conductivity, high electrical resistivity, and good hydrophobicity, which have a wide range of potential ...

KT Eridani is a recurrent nova, study finds

By analyzing a large set of photometric data, astronomers have investigated KT Eridani—a nova detected in 2009. The study, published October 19 on arXiv.org, found that KT Eridani is a recurrent nova with a recurrence time-scale ...

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