
Aluminous silica: A major water carrier in the lower mantle

Water is transported by oceanic plates into the Earth's deep interior and changes the properties of minerals and rocks, affecting the Earth's internal material cycle and environmental evolution since the formation of the ...

UN report: Climate pollution reductions 'highly inadequate'

The world, especially richer carbon polluting nations, remains "far behind" and is not doing nearly enough—not even promising to do enough—to reach any of the global goals limiting future warming, a United Nations report ...

New study shows how voting methods affect group decision-making

When groups of people need to reach a decision, they will often take a straw poll to test opinions before the official vote. New research from the University of Washington shows that one specific voting method proved more ...

IEA sees global energy emissions peaking in 2025

The International Energy Agency said Thursday it believes global energy emissions will peak in 2025 as surging prices due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine propel investment in renewables.

Images: NASA's Lucy spacecraft provides new views of the moon

NASA's Lucy spacecraft captured this image of the moon's surface on Oct 16, 2022, about 6.5 hours after it flew by the Earth for its first of three gravity assists. The image was taken while Lucy was between the Earth and ...

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