
All species, great and small, must be preserved

Researchers warn all species are important, and conservation efforts should be based on the need for biological diversity and not on how useful individual species are to people.

Negative publicity reduces police motivation

Recent negative publicity surrounding police after several shootings of unarmed civilians appears to have diminished some officers' motivation to be in law enforcement but does not decrease willingness to carry out their ...

Oracle to build high school on its Silicon Valley campus

Oracle founder Larry Ellison already owns an island in Hawaii. Now, his company is building a high school next to its Silicon Valley headquarters to help fulfill Ellison's desire to teach students more about technology and ...

Study shows more extensive coral damage related to BP spill

Gulf coral damage from the massive BP oil spill is more extensive than previously thought, according to a new study that revealed sick and dying corals in the rich, deep-water environment off the coasts of Alabama and Mississippi ...

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