
New strategy to precisely target subtypes of key protein

Cyclosporine is one of the most common and effective immunosuppressant drugs used to treat chronic diseases like arthritis and psoriasis, but it comes with a risk of serious side effects. Scientists think that may be because ...

Two rare super-Mercuries discovered in the same star system

While observing the star system HD 23472 with the ESPRESSO spectrograph (ESO), a team led by Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço's (IA3) researcher Susana Barros (IA & Dep. de Física e Astronomia—Faculdade ...

Evidence of the use of baby carriers 10,000 years ago

It seems logical enough: even in their earliest history, humans must have needed something to carry their babies around in as they moved from place to place. But because little hard evidence of this exists—no infant-sling ...

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