
NASA observes Tropical Storm Miriam's formation

Tropical cyclones continue to regularly develop in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. As Tropical Storm Miriam was developing, the GPM or Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite observed the rainfall happening ...

What's Facebook Watch and will you like it?

What is "Facebook Watch?" If you said, "another ingenious/devious way for Facebook to consume every last second of my life," you wouldn't be wrong. If you said, "haven't a clue," you wouldn't be alone.

Connectivity explains ecosystem responses to rainfall, drought

In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers reveal techniques—inspired by the study of information theory—to track how changes in precipitation alter interactions between ...

Discovering trailing components of a coronal mass ejection

Using Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia, PSI Associate Research Scientist Elizabeth A. Jensen's team observed radio signals from the MESSENGER spacecraft and discovered that solar eruptions known to cause communication ...

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