
Solution to distortion effect in STM scanning

STM scanning experiments on poorly conducting materials are challenging, and can cause a distortion effect. A new model corrects for this effect, allowing physicists to better study materials in their quest to understand ...

New way to form close double black holes

A team of three Dutch astronomers from the University of Amsterdam and Leiden University found a new way to form two black holes that orbit each other for quite a while and then merge. Their publication with computer simulations ...

NASA-supported tool is accelerating wildfire recovery

Burned Area Emergency Response teams— they may be one of most important parts of wildfires that you've probably never heard of. As the last flames of a raging wildfire are being contained, these BAER crews begin safeguarding ...

China in climate driver's seat after Trump rejects Paris

With President Donald Trump's withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate change accords, it's now clear to the world that action on climate change will rest increasingly in the hands of China, not America or the ...

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