
Why does your cotton towel get stiff after natural drying?

The remaining "bound water" on cotton surfaces cross-link single fibers of cotton, causing hardening after natural drying, according to a new study conducted by Kao Corporation and Hokkaido University. This provides new insight ...

A device for the early detection of certain eyesight problems

EPFL researchers have developed a device that can zoom in on previously invisible cells at the back of the eye. The technology could be extremely useful for ophthalmologists, in particular for detecting age-related macular ...

New algorithm examines crime-scene bullets segment by segment

On the morning of March 22, 1915, residents of the small town of West Shelby, New York, awoke to a horrific scene. A woman clad only in a bloodied nightgown lay shot to death in the snow on the doorstep of an immigrant farmhand, ...

Is your dog really happy you're home?

Humans aren't the only species that finds routine comforting—our pets benefit from it as well. So making the transition to working from home can impact the entire family, pets included.

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