
3D-printed food to help patients with dysphagia

Labelled by some as the future of food, 3D printed meals could soon make it to our plates. The EU-funded PERFORMANCE project just presented its vision of this future in Brussels, with a 3D printed meal for elders facing swallowing ...

Saturn's moon Tethys

Thanks the Voyager missions and the more recent flybys conducted by the Cassini space probe, Saturn's system of moons have become a major source of interest for scientists and astronomers. From water ice and interior oceans, ...

Dawn triangle of planets

Winter is approaching. The early, wakeful sunbeams of summer are a fading memory as October mornings grow dark and cold. Frankly, waking up isn't as easy as it used to be.....

Two mutations are better than one

Two wrongs don't make a right, but in the case of genetic mutations, having two mutations in the same gene could be better than having either one individually. Recent research by biologists at San Diego State University found ...

X-ray emission from massive stars

Massive young stars are known to emit strong X-rays. Unlike the X-ray emission from lower mass stars, however, which arises in stellar photospheres, the X-rays from massive stars are thought to result from powerful shocks. ...

Are some franchises more likely to exploit their workers?

Franchising is a pervasive business model in contemporary Australia. Many of the best known brands, including those in fast food, retailing, coffee, car maintenance, and other services are or have become part of franchise ...

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