
First direct electron observation in tera electron volt region

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Waseda University started global-leading direct electron observations in the extremely high-energy region of Tera electron volt (TeV, one trillion electron volts) using the CALorimetric ...

Male mosquitoes lured to traps by sounds of female wing-beats

Like mariners lured on to the rocks by the siren songs of legend, male mosquitoes have been found to zero in on inexpensive traps that broadcast sound that is similar in frequency to the sound that is produced by the wing-beats ...

Ionic liquids to extract molecules from wood

Thanks to their unique properties, ionic liquids are all in the rage as solvents as, for instance, "green" sustainable chemical processes. Recently, two research teams at Umeå University discovered how enzymes can perform ...

Thermoplastically deformable electronic circuits

At this week's Meeting of the International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society (IMAPS 2015), imec and CMST (imec's associated lab at Ghent University) present a novel technology for thermoplastically deformable ...

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