
Pacific preparedness

Not far from Tokyo's Imperial Palace, an alarm pierces the air. At a nearby elementary school, hundreds of children drop to the floor, scramble beneath their desks and hold on for dear life. It's March 9, 2012, two days before ...

Professor helps develop system that warns of stock crashes

When Barracuda Network's stock price tumbled almost 35 percent in one day last September, a new system developed by Berkeley-Haas researchers had already flagged the signs that led to the fall.

Wives take problems to heart, husbands get frustrated

Husbands and wives married for a long time don't look at marital problems in the same way. When a marriage has troubles, women worry. They become sad. They get frustrated. For men, it's sheer frustration and not much more.

Positrons are plentiful in ultra-intense laser blasts

Physicists from Rice University and the University of Texas at Austin have found a new recipe for using intense lasers to create positrons—the antiparticle of electrons—in record numbers and density.

TU Eindhoven starts using kingsize 3-D concrete printer

Last month Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) began using a concrete printer that enables objects of up to 11 meters long, 5 meters wide and 4 meter high to be printed. The university will be working with the building ...

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