
Russian scientists on the verge of solving the 'muon puzzle'

It may only take scientists a few more years to solve one of the biggest puzzles in modern elementary particle physics, the so-called "muon puzzle." Russian scientists from the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) ...

A new study looks for the cortical conscious network

New research published in the New Journal of Physics tries to decompose the structural layers of the cortical network to different hierarchies enabling to identify the network's nucleus, from which our consciousness could ...

Where does AlphaGo go?

On March 15, 2016, Lee Sodol, an 18-time world champion of the ancient Chinese board game Go, was defeated by AlphaGo, a computer program. The event is one of the most historic in the field of artificial intelligence since ...

Climate change taking toll on American pika's Western lands

Populations of a rabbit-like animal known as the American pika are vanishing in many mountainous areas of the West as climate change alters its habitat, according to findings released Thursday by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Indonesia seizes hundreds of frozen pangolins

Indonesian authorities have seized more than 650 critically endangered pangolins found hidden in freezers and arrested a man for allegedly breaking wildlife protection laws, police said on Friday.

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