
Breakthrough in industrial CO2 usage

Professor Arne Skerra of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has succeeded for the first time in using gaseous CO2 as a basic material for the production of a chemical mass product in a biotechnical reaction. The product ...

Visualizing chemical reactions on bimetal surfaces

Catalysts are the result of chemists seeking to unravel the beauty of molecules and the mystery of chemical reactions. Professor Jeong Young Park, whose research focuses on catalytic chemical reactions, is no exception. His ...

3-D sketching with air scaffolding

People often use their hands when describing an object, while pens are great tools for describing objects in detail. Taking this idea, a KAIST team introduced a new 3-D sketching workflow, combining the strengths of hand ...

Soundwave-surfing droplets leave no traces

Engineers at Duke University have developed a way to manipulate, split and mix droplets of biological fluids by having them surf on acoustic waves in oil. The technology could form the basis of a small-scale, programmable, ...

Team develops ground-breaking flexible X-ray detector

Detectors that are presently used for mammograms and for dose measurements in radiotherapy are often rigid, causing errors in screening, or dose delivery to surrounding healthy tissue. This has raised concerns of additional ...

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