
How to get high-quality RNA from chemically complex plants

Ask any molecular plant biologist about RNA extractions and you might just open up the floodgates to the woes of troubleshooting. RNA extraction is a notoriously tricky and sensitive lab procedure. New protocols out of the ...

DNA mutations get harder to hide

Rice University researchers have developed a method to detect rare DNA mutations with an approach hundreds of times more powerful than current methods.

From worker to queen at the drop of a gene

Biologists from the University of Leicester have discovered that one of nature's most important pollinators - the buff-tailed bumblebee – either ascends to the status of queen or remains a lowly worker bee based on which ...

Plant fertility—how hormones get around

Researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology have identified a transporter protein at the heart of a number of plant processes associated with fertility and possibly aging.

The legacy of John Nash and his equilibrium theory

The American mathematician John Nash, who died in a taxi accident at the weekend, is probably best known to the wider public through Russell Crowe's portrayal of him in the 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind.

New book promotes care for Earth's treasures

A new and comprehensive book on how to care for the world's great natural and cultural treasures protected in national parks, written by experts from around the globe, will be launched at The Australian National University ...

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