
Farming fungi in a new Azteca ant colony

Moving to a new home is usually accompanied with a long to-do list, from painting the walls to unpacking boxes. For young queen Azteca ants however, one important job is to start growing fungus. Many tropical ant species ...

Imec pushes the limits of EUV lithography single exposure

Imec, the world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technology, continues to advance the readiness of EUV lithography with particular focus on EUV single exposure of Logic N5 metal layers, and ...

This was exactly where cassini crashed into Saturn

On September 15th, 2017, after nearly 20 years in service, the Cassini spacecraft ended its mission by plunging into the atmosphere of Saturn. During the 13 years it spent in the Saturn system, this probe revealed a great ...

How Western Cape farmers are being hit by the drought

Much has been written about the ongoing drought and critical water shortages in the city of Cape Town. Residents are bracing themselves for Day Zero – the moment at which most of the city's domestic taps will run dry.

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