
Engineers use rust to build a solar-powered battery

The recent crash in oil prices notwithstanding, an economy based on fossil fuels seems unsustainable. Supplies of oil, coal and similar fuels are finite, and even if new sources are found, global warming must be considered. ...

Researcher provides global perspective on honeybee viruses

The global decline of honeybee populations has spurred a number of researchers to examine the role played by the parasitic varroa mite and the deadly Deformed Wing Virus it transmits. In early February a large-scale research ...

WikiLeaks not connected to any terrorist attacks in study

The WikiLeaks organization was criticized for providing a target list for terrorists when it published a secret memo in 2010 with 200 international sites that the U.S. Department of State considered critical to national security.

How to deliver drinking water chlorine-free

Chlorinated tap water is the norm around the world, but the experiences of several European countries is that it doesn't have to be. The benefits of foregoing chlorine include better-tasting and, potentially, healthier water.

Ultrathin, flexible photovoltaic cells

Imagine solar cells so thin, flexible, and lightweight that they could be placed on almost any material or surface, including your hat, shirt, or smartphone, or even on a sheet of paper or a helium balloon.

Mother-infant communication in chimpanzees

Animals other than humans learn how to communicate via the manual modality. Gestures are also important in the communication of great apes. Mothers of chimpanzees, for example, communicate with their infants mainly by tactile, ...

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