
Is Singtel hanging up on India?

The India telecom sector was abuzz with reports that Singtel may be selling out of India ever since October when Vodafone acquired a smallish stake in Bharti Tele-Ventures for a huge $1.5 billion. But if the latest moves ...

Strong sales not leading to mobile profits

Mobile-phone manufacturers are finding that global demand for handsets is almost insatiable, as consumers in wealthy countries flock to update their phones with the latest multi-functioning products, while those in poorer ...

Rain gardens touted as pollution removers

University of Connecticut scientists say properly designed "rain gardens" can trap and retain up to 99 percent of common pollutants in urban storm runoff.

Ion beams might one day fight cancer tumors

Nonsurgical cancer therapy that destroys tumors but leaves healthy surrounding tissue intact could be available at every hospital if research reported this week in the journal Nature eventually comes to fruition.

Two new lakes found beneath Antarctic ice sheet

The Earth Institute at Columbia University--Lying beneath more than two miles of Antarctic ice, Lake Vostok may be the best-known and largest subglacial lake in the world, but it is not alone down there. Scientists have identified ...

Internet television finally grows up

At the height of the Internet boom, television companies and Internet startups were promoting the power of using video on the Internet.

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