
Nanotech leaders gather to debate nanotech pros, cons

Nanotechnology, defined as science and engineering done at the scale of a billionth of a meter, promises to have a profound impact on society. It has been heralded by many scientists, futurists and investors as the next industrial ...

Life leaves subtle signature in the lay of the land

One of the paradoxes of recent explorations of the Martian surface is that the more we see of the planet, the more it looks like Earth, despite a very big difference: Complex life forms have existed for billions of years ...

In Grids we trust

The importance of understanding the process by which a result was generated is fundamental to many real-life applications in science, engineering, medical domain, supply management, etc. Without such information, users cannot ...

Mystery of metallic glass is cracked

Using state-of-the-art lab techniques and powerful computer simulations, Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered how atoms pack themselves in unusual materials known as metallic glasses. Their findings should help scientists ...

Ethanol can replace gasoline with big energy savings

Putting ethanol instead of gasoline in your tank saves oil and is probably no worse for the environment than burning gasoline, according to a new analysis by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. The researchers ...

DNA-wrapped carbon nanotubes serve as sensors in living cells

Single-walled carbon nanotubes wrapped with DNA can be placed inside living cells and detect trace amounts of harmful contaminants using near infrared light, report researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ...

Teflon chemical to be altered by 2015

A chemical used to make Teflon will be altered to prevent its release into the environment from finished products or from manufacturing plants.

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