
Japan panel posits worst case earthquake

An earthquake off the northeastern coast of Japan could kill up to 2,700 people and trigger a 72-foot tsunami, a Japanese government panel has predicted.

Laboratory Develops Biofuel-Powered Heated Vest

Around the world, military members from Alaska to Afghanistan work in harsh, frigid environments. Temperatures in the Afghani Mountains have been recorded as low as minus 51 degrees Farenheit, while Elmendorf Air Force Base, ...

Happy Anniversary Shuttle Crawlers

"NASA's workhorses" are celebrating their 40th anniversary. The twin crawler transporters, built at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the Apollo program, are still making tracks today.

Airmen Train On Latest Technology

A shadowy silhouette is seen through dust clouds, brush and trees. There's neither enough sun nor moonlight to distinguish the surroundings. The atmosphere is unfamiliar, uncomfortable, dangerous and unpredictable. You know ...

Physicists Discover an Atomic Oddity

Working with an international team of scientists, a Florida State University physics professor has taken part in an experiment that resulted in the creation of a silver atom with exotic properties never before observed. The ...

Study finds suntan oil is present on our tables

Suntan oil, which can change the sex of fish, is present in our food and drinking water. The Independent website has reported that experts have discovered male hornyhead turbot and English sole feeding next to sewage on the ...

Iraqi electrical restoration foundering

A study of the $6 billion Iraqi electrical restoration project finds it's foundering because of poor planning, poor administration and insurgent attacks.

Terrorist-resistant bridge is developed

A University at Buffalo engineer has developed a "multi-hazard" design that he said makes bridges more resistant to terrorist attacks and earthquakes.

Engineers just want to have fun

Researchers writing in IEEE Spectrum's February issue say you wouldn't believe what some engineers get to do for a living.

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