
How can women build high-status networks?

New research from ESMT Berlin finds that men are more likely to leverage co-location and face-to-face interactions to build high-status connections. Women, by contrast, are more effective at connecting with high-status colleagues ...

Creating fast, reliable 3D scans of flora and fauna

Reporting in Research Ideas and Outcomes, a Kyushu University researcher has developed a new technique for scanning various plants and animals and reconstructing them into highly detailed 3D models. To date, over 1,400 models ...

How viruses outwit cellular immune systems

We're used to thinking of the immune system as a separate entity, almost a distinct organ, but the truth is much more complicated. Breakthroughs in recent years—some resulting from research performed in Prof. Rotem Sorek's ...

Researchers create first quasiparticle Bose-Einstein condensate

Physicists have created the first Bose-Einstein condensate—the mysterious fifth state of matter—made from quasiparticles, entities that do not count as elementary particles but that can still have elementary-particle ...

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