
Sprayable foam that slows bleeding could save lives

Traumatic injuries, whether from serious car accidents, street violence or military combat, can lead to significant blood loss and death. But using a material derived from crustacean shells, scientists have now developed ...

The nutrition behind good sperm

Males with low sperm quality probably won't get much help from dining down on fish oil supplements and a bag of carrots, recent aquatic-based research suggests.

The physical properties of dense molecular clouds

Small, dense interstellar clouds of gas and dust, containing hundreds to thousands of solar-masses of material, are suspected of being the precursors to stars and stellar clusters. These so-called cores, with gas densities ...

A novel switching mechanism for adhesion

Lizbeth Prieto-López, PhD student working with Professor John Williams in the Mechanics, Materials and Design division, is designing a novel switching mechanism for adhesion that uses Van der Waals forces.

I always feel like somebody's watching me…

What power can individuals have over their data when their every move online is being tracked? Researchers at the Cambridge Computer Laboratory are building new systems that shift the power back to individual users, and could ...

It pays to repave in colder climates

Repaving roads is a costly and complicated process, especially when the road is a critical artery. But new research from Norway shows that switching to more durable asphalt could save significant amounts of money on some ...

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