
Machine tool accuracy to rise to new level

The University of Huddersfield's Dr Andrew Longstaff is carrying out research that aims to bring about significant improvements in the accuracy of machine tools. Now he has earned the opportunity to work at one of the world's ...

Family trees could pin down why racehorses are getting faster

Scientists have confirmed a pattern that many inveterate racing fans may have suspected for years: British horses are getting faster. But whether that is down to breeding techniques or other factors is less certain. The researchers ...

Europa—attempt no landing here, but a fly-by is fine!

NASA has now formally started to pack its bags for the next big discovery mission, this time heading to Jupiter's icy moon Europa. Last month NASA announced the instruments that will fly on this trip and now has formally ...

The demand for edible fish bred in Finland exceeds supply

In 2014, some 13.3 million kilograms of fish were cultivated for human consumption in Finland. This represented a decrease of some 0.3 million kilograms compared to 2013. The value of farmed edible fish was slightly lower ...

Seeking plans for bluefin recovery and reduced fishing capacity

Members of the fisheries commission for the eastern Pacific assembling in Guayaquil, Ecuador need to prioritise initiating a rigorous recovery plan to address the collapse of Pacific Bluefin Tuna stocks and stabilising overall ...

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