
Koalas exposed to double-whammy health threat

An AIDS-like virus plaguing Australia's koala population is leaving them more vulnerable to chlamydia and other threatening health conditions, University of Queensland research has found.

The social transmission of stress in animal collectives

Stress is a widespread phenomenon that occurs when, for example, humans feel threatened or overwhelmed, have too much work or are in imminent danger. We communicate to others that we are stressed through our behavior and ...

Why disinformation has flourished during the pandemic

A small team of researchers at Sony Computer Science Laboratories in France has explored why disinformation seemed to flourish during the global pandemic. In their paper published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, Pietro ...

Spatial distribution of anti-Asian hate tweets during COVID-19

In January of 2020, SARS-CoV-2 reached the United States. With it came an even faster-spreading virus—xenophobic rhetoric referring to the pandemic's epicenter in Wuhan, China. Politicians flooded news outlets and social ...

Electronic self-passivation of single vacancy in black phosphorus

NUS scientists discovered that a two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting material, known as black phosphorus (BP), exhibits an electronic self-passivation phenomenon by re-arranging its vacancy defects. This may potentially enhance ...

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