
Fusion experts tackle cooling strategies for fusion fuel cycle

To achieve practical energy from fusion, extreme heat from the fusion system "blanket" component must be extracted safely and efficiently. Oak Ridge National Laboratory fusion experts are exploring how tiny 3D-printed obstacles ...

Pets or threats? Goldfish might be harmful to biodiversity

Invasive species are one of the leading causes of global biodiversity loss, and the pet trade is responsible for a third of all aquatic invasive species. Pet owners releasing unwanted pets into the wild is a major problem. ...

A vicious cycle of oxygen loss threatens water quality in lakes

Scientists have recently confirmed that the world's lakes are rapidly losing oxygen. With a seven-year, whole-ecosystem study, a team of freshwater scientists at Virginia Tech has been one of the first to take the next step ...

A quantum drum that stores quantum states for record-long times

Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have improved the coherence time of a previously developed quantum membrane dramatically. The improvement will expand the usability of the membrane for a ...

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