
Nanostructure complex materials modeling  

Materials with chemical, optical, and electronic properties driven by structures measuring billionths of a meter could lead to improved energy technologies—from more efficient solar cells to longer-lasting energy-dense ...

Poison dart frog inspires new way to de-ice planes

Curiosity about the way a particular tropical frog releases a toxic substance through its skin to protect itself led Arizona State University engineer Konrad Rykaczewski to an idea for a new anti-icing technique for aircraft.

Closing salvos in Silicon Valley sex bias case

Rival attorneys launched closing salvos Tuesday at jurors who will decide whether a renowned Silicon Valley venture capital firm was a "boys club" that discriminated against women.

Tokyo aquarium baffled by mystery fish deaths

Workers at a Tokyo aquarium are scratching their heads after the deaths of dozens of fish that have left just one lonely tuna roaming a once-flourishing tank.

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