
Quantum optical sensor for the first time tested in space

For the first time ever, a cloud of ultra-cold atoms has been successfully created in space on board of a sounding rocket. The MAIUS mission demonstrates that quantum optical sensors can be operated even in harsh environments ...

Light microscopy provides a deep look into protein structure

Light microscopy continues to reveal the microscopic world at an ever increasing resolution. Using a new method coined COLD, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen have now visualized ...

NuSTAR finds new clues to 'chameleon supernova'

"We're made of star stuff," astronomer Carl Sagan famously said. Nuclear reactions that happened in ancient stars generated much of the material that makes up our bodies, our planet and our solar system. When stars explode ...

Using Big Data to understand immune system responses

An enzyme found in many bacteria, including the bacterium that gives us strep throat, has given mankind a cheap and effective tool with which to edit our own genes. This technology, called CRISPR, is also being used to understand ...

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