
Space, exercise may be critical to drylot beef heifer reproduction

Space and exercise could be almost as important as food and water to the successful development of beef heifers raised in drylots, and quantifying that importance is the aim of a planned study by a Texas A&M University Department ...

Reducing carbon emissions not enough, expert warns

We are now beyond the point of simply needing to reduce carbon emissions to prevent catastrophic climate change, according to a leading scientist from The Australian National University (ANU).

Mechanism behind XFEL-induced melting of diamond unveiled

The ultrafast melting of diamond under intense x-ray irradiation has been visualized for the first time by RIKEN researchers. This observation will help scientists improve experimental methods that use high-intensity x-ray ...

Age-related stem cell dysfunction linked to eye-color gene

In a discovery with implications for colorectal cancer in humans, RIKEN geneticists have found that a gene that determines eye color in fruit flies also plays a role in the tendency of gut stem cells to proliferate out of ...

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