
The path to success for fish sperm

In many animals, males pursue alternative tactics when competing for the fertilization of eggs. Some cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika breed in empty snail shells, which may select for extremely divergent mating tactics. ...

Optimizing lithium-sulfur battery electrolytes for long life

In the future, lithium-sulfur (Li-S) rechargeable batteries could hold more energy and cost less than lithium-ion batteries if they can be made to last longer. A key challenge is preventing the polysulfide ions that must ...

Black holes play hide-and-seek in low-luminosity radio galaxies

Every galaxy is thought to harbor a supermassive black hole in the center, or nucleus, of the galaxy, and in active galaxies this black hole is fed by infalling matter. This "central engine" is typically surrounded by dusty ...

InSight steers toward Mars

NASA's InSight lander has made its first course correction toward Mars.

Controlling catalytic reactions by changing nanosurfaces

Change the face of nanoparticles and you'll rule chemistry! Depending on the lighting, the surfaces of appropriately crafted nanoparticles can change their topography. Researchers from the Institute of Physical Chemistry ...

Archaeologists post research data from Sudan online

The University of Münster's Institute of Egyptology and Coptology (Germany) is now uploading data gathered between 2009 and 2016 during field research in Sudan regarding graves, small huts and stone-lined sleeping places ...

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