
Physicists discover mechanism behind granular capillary effect

Dipping a tube into a container filled with water will make the water rise in the tube. This phenomenon is called liquid capillarity. It is responsible for many natural and technical processes, for example the water absorption ...

Securing large crowds a 'vexing problem'

Late Monday, an explosion at the end of an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena in England killed 22 people and injured nearly 60 others. The New York Times reported Tuesday that British authorities had identified the ...

Sub-zero waters a barrier to oil spill recovery

Sub-zero temperatures in the deep waters of the North Atlantic would significantly hamper the ability of oil-eating bacteria to help the ocean recover from a major oil spill, according to new research.

Five surprising ways holograms are revolutionising the world

We seem to be fascinated by holograms or at least the promise of what they can do. Think the famous Princess Leia projection in Star Wars; holographic fashion shows in New York, Hamburg and Beijing; the massive success of ...

Scientists overcome pig genome flaw

Through her work, Dr Rebecca O'Connor in the School of Biosciences, found previously undiscovered, fundamental flaws in the pig genome, the results of which have contributed to improved mapping of the pig genome.

Natural gas facilities with no CO2 emissions

How can we burn natural gas without releasing CO2 into the air? This feat is achieved using a special combustion method that TU Wien has been researching for years: chemical looping combustion (CLC). In this process, CO2 ...

'Rosetta Stone' protein offers new mechanism of allostery

For years, an unsolved problem nagged at University of Alabama at Birmingham researcher Chad Petit, Ph.D. It involved an important biological phenomenon called allostery, a fundamental method of enzyme regulation that is ...

Sentinel-2 captures coral bleaching of Great Barrier Reef

Scientists observed the bleaching of Australia's Great Barrier Reef early this year using satellite images. While capturing these events from space has been difficult in the past, Sentinel-2's frequent revisits and its resolution ...

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