
A nutty idea—a little stress could be good for walnuts

When it comes to watering walnuts, most California growers believe you need to start early to keep trees healthy and productive throughout the long, hot summer. But according to striking results from a long-term experiment ...

Student discovers slowest ever pulsar star

An approximately 14 million year old pulsar star that is the "slowest-spinning" of its kind ever identified has been discovered by a Ph.D. student from The University of Manchester.

Taking a close look at bacteria

Yong Wang, assistant professor of physics, and graduate student Asmaa Sadoon have been studying how molecules travel through bacterial cytoplasm in order to understand more about how these tiny organisms function. Using new ...

New technique promises more accurate genomes

University of Adelaide researchers have developed a new technique that will aid in a more accurate reconstruction of human genomes by determining the exact sections of the genome that come from each parent.

Studying the hotbed of horizontal gene transfers

For over 200,000 years, humans and their gut microbiomes have coevolved into some of the most complex collections of living organisms on the planet. But as human lifestyles vary from the urban to rural, so do the bacterial ...

Highly efficient cooling using a new nanoporous solid

Heat recovery (solar energy, heat pump, air conditioning, cooling) is a key research focus toward reducing power consumption and encouraging sustainable development. Even if water recovery and release using nanoporous materials ...

Researchers validate 80-year-old ferroelectric theory

Researchers have successfully demonstrated that hypothetical particles that were proposed by Franz Preisach in 1935 actually exist. In an article published in Nature Communications, scientists from the universities in Linköping ...

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