
Mystery of 'eclipse wind' solved after 300 years

Edmund Halley – of Halley's Comet fame – noted the 'Chill and Damp which attended the Darkness' of an eclipse in 1715, causing 'some sense of Horror' among the spectators.

An inflexible diet led to the disappearance of the cave bear

Senckenberg scientists have studied the feeding habits of the extinct cave bear. Based on the isotope composition in the collagen of the bears' bones, they were able to show that the large mammals subsisted on a purely vegan ...

Surface fractures as magma moves

A rare period of volcanic unrest in the rural Harrat Lunayyir region of Saudi Arabia in 2009 allowed researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to piece together details of how activity within ...

Why working mothers go freelance in corporate world

The original "freelancers" were historic knights and mercenaries, selling their fighting skills to whoever paid the right price. Today's freelancers include a growing army of people who decide to leave highly paid and secure ...

Finding patterns in 'electron puddles'

Yale physicist Leonid Glazman has developed a quantitative theory to explain the effect of quantum and thermal fluctuations of charge in tiny "electron puddles" for a study reported in the journal Nature.

Image: Dione's contrasts

Dione reveals its past via contrasts in this view from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The features visible here are a mixture of tectonics—the bright, linear features—and impact cratering—the round features, which are spread ...

'Ideal' energy storage material for electric vehicles developed

The energy-storage goal of a polymer dielectric material with high energy density, high power density and excellent charge-discharge efficiency for electric and hybrid vehicle use has been achieved by a team of Penn State ...

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