
Get better election predictions by combining diverse forecasts

Imagine you are among the legions of pundits and political commentators striving to predict the outcome of November's presidential election. You're not just interested in who will win – most citizens can predict that, it ...

How will self-driving cars affect your insurance?

Mark Molthan admits he wasn't paying attention when his car crashed into a fence, leaving him with a bloody nose, according to a news report. The Texan had left control of his Tesla Model S to its autopilot system, which ...

Image: Several wildfires burning in Southern California

Southern California has been hard hit by wildfires this summer and the spate of fires continues in the rain comprised state. NASA and NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of the smoke rising from four different areas. ...

Researchers invent novel materials for better batteries

Inventors at Kansas State University and Catalyst Power Technologies Inc. are paving the way for the future with energy-efficient batteries for sensors, portable devices and electric cars.

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