
Firing up your car with lipids

Sometimes, when a science experiment doesn't work out, unexpected opportunities open up.

Plants sacrifice 'daughters' to survive chilly weather

Plants adopt different strategies to survive the changing temperatures of their natural environments. This is most evident in temperate regions where forest trees shed their leaves to conserve energy during the cold season. ...

Technological innovation 'trumps' politics

Technological innovation, often induced by national and sub-national policies, is a key driver of global climate and energy policy ambition and action. Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement will hardly ...

From strands to droplets—new insights into DNA control

A host of proteins and other molecules sit on the strands of our DNA, controlling which genes are read out and used by cells and which remain silent. This aggregation of genetic material and controlling molecules, called ...

Job applicants over 40 filtered out by employers

Job applicants are filtered out as early as age 40. This was shown by economist Stefan Eriksson at Uppsala University, one of the authors of a new report from the Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy ...

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