
Scientists develop better way to visualize molecules

Computer scientists at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus have solved a core problem in strucutral biology by developing a faster, cheaper and more reliable way to determine the three-dimensional shapes of biological ...

Ceres spots continue to mystify in latest Dawn images

The closer we get to Ceres, the more intriguing the distant dwarf planet becomes. New images of Ceres from NASA's Dawn spacecraft provide more clues about its mysterious bright spots, and also reveal a pyramid-shaped peak ...

Kirigami art could enable stretchable plasma screens

The art of paper cutting may slice through a roadblock on the way to flexible, stretchable electronics, a team of engineers and an artist at the University of Michigan has found.

Measuring climate change action

Reducing global greenhouse gas emissions could have big benefits in the U.S., according to a report released today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including thousands of avoided deaths from extreme heat, ...

Rosetta tracks debris around comet

Ever since its approach to and arrival at Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Rosetta has been investigating the nucleus and its environment with a variety of instruments and techniques. One key area is the study of dust grains ...

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