
Avoiding poisonous plants in summer, fall

Summer and fall are popular times for outdoor activities such as hiking, gardening and playing outside. Unfortunately, poisonous plants can get in the way of enjoying your time outdoors.

New manufacturing approach slices lithium-ion battery cost in half

An advanced manufacturing approach for lithium-ion batteries, developed by researchers at MIT and at a spinoff company called 24M, promises to significantly slash the cost of the most widely used type of rechargeable batteries ...

Magnetic complexity begins to untangle

After a year in orbit, the three Swarm satellites have provided a first glimpse inside Earth and started to shed new light on the dynamics of the upper atmosphere – all the way from the ionosphere about 100 km above, through ...

Second Copernicus environmental satellite safely in orbit

The ESA-developed Sentinel satellite – Sentinel-2A – was launched today, adding a high-resolution optical imaging capability to the European Union Copernicus environmental monitoring system.

To save water, cool power plants with wax, say engineers

The towering plumes of steam emanating from power plant calderas that have come to symbolize the massive and, at times, menacing nature of the energy industry might soon have their natural dissipation into thin air preempted ...

Video: Sentinel-2A liftoff

Replay of the Sentinel-2A liftoff on a Vega launcher from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana at 01:52 GMT (03:52 CEST) on 23 June 2015.

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