
Halting a wave in its tracks

Topological ideas have recently taken the center stage of modern electromagnetics. Typical topological photonic systems are based on nonreciprocal materials, a class of materials that enables asymmetric light–matter interactions. ...

High school students measure Earth's magnetic field from ISS

A group of high school students used a tiny, inexpensive computer to try to measure Earth's magnetic field from the International Space Station, showing a way to affordably explore and understand our planet.

Acoustic sensors to pinpoint shooters in an urban setting

During a gunshot, two sound events occur: the muzzle blast and the supersonic shock wave. Acoustic sensors, such as arrays of microphones, can capture these sounds and use them to approximate the location of a shooter.

Making racetrack noise bearable with physics

Although racetracks can be fun for communities, they usually come with very high levels of noise that can sour nearby neighborhoods to the experience.

Unemployment holds steady for people with disabilities

Jobs data showed small declines in unemployment for people with and without disabilities in April, according to Friday's National Trends in Disability Employment (nTIDE) COVID Update. The April data also showed that the number ...

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